156-585 Dumps 2021 Question And Answers - Passexam4sure.com

CheckPoint 156-585 Exam Dumps - Check Point Certified Troubleshooting Expert

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Question: 1

For TCP connections, when a packet arrives at the Firewall Kemel out of sequence or fragmented, which layer of IPS corrects this lo allow for proper inspection?

A. Passive Streaming Library

B. Protections

C. Protocol Parsers

D. Context Management

Answer: D

Question: 2

What command is usually used for general firewall kernel debugging and what is the size of the buffer that is automatically enabled when using the command?

A. fw ctl debug, buffer size is 1024 KB

B. fw ell zdebug. buffer size is 32768 KB

C. fw dl zdebug, buffer size is 1 MB

D. fw ctl kdeoug. buffer size is 32000 KB

Answer: D

Question: 3

What does CMI stand for in relation to the Access Control Policy?

A. Content Matching Infrastructure

B. Content Management Interface

C. Context Management Infrastructure

D. Context Manipulation Interface

Answer: C

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Question: 4

When a User process or program suddenly crashes, a core dump is often used to examine the problem.

Which command is used to enable the core-dumping via GAIA dish?

A. set core-dump enable

B. set core-dump per_process

C. set user-dump enable

D. set core-dump total

Answer: A

Question: 5

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database management system Check Point offers a command for viewing the database to interact with Postgres interactive shell Which command do you need to enter the PostgreSQL interactive shell?

A. psql_client cpm postgres

B. mysql_client cpm postgres

C. psql_c!ieni postgres cpm

D. mysql -u root

Answer: A

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